John 8:32
And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.

Who We Are?
We are a called out community to outreach the non-Christian communities in different parts of the globe! We are specially anointed by the servants of God, inspired by the Word of God, and envisioned by the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are greatly motivated by the power of the Holy Spirit to do the mission of God in different capacities among diverse people groups!

What We Do?
We "GO" to the streets and corners of US cities to preach the unchanging Gospel of Jesus Christ. We conduct street preaching, youth seminars, counseling, sign board evangelism, phone evangelism, one-on-one evangelism, and various other effective ways to reach out masses for Christ in USA, India, and different parts of the world. Our prayer cell group will pray for the needy 24/7 on request.

How we Outreach?
We use various methods for out reaching purposes! Mostly we use the postmodern equipments and media, like: web tools, phone evangelism, bill boards and sign boards, literature evangelism, street preaching, and door-to-door evangelism. The ministry is specifically focused to reach people who neither attend the church regularly nor are interested in knowing the way of God through any medium. In reaching this neglected lot, "Rolling for Jesus" ministry was launched. God's Word is spread via sign boards on moving vehicles and gospel tracts distribution on street corners of different cities.

Where We Do?
We go with the Word of God where others don’t. Our ministry is mainly focusing the desi people groups in the entire United States where desis are concentrated. Moreover, we work among the unreached people groups in the Indian context. We work on the streets and corners, byways and highways, restaurants and market places, and every nooks and corners.

When We Do?
As we are living in the last days, we use our entire time available for the evangelization of the world. Our mission policy is, “Waist no Time”. We do missions 24/7 for the glory of God!

A breathtaking testimony of Dr.Srinivasa Bhattachary.
The Story of Sadhu Sunder Singh.
Gulshan Esther.
Pandita Ramabhai.

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